After playing in theatres for four days, Bholaa has crossed the Rs 40 crores mark at the box office. On Sunday, the film grew well to bring in Rs 13.48 crores more. Now had this been the first day number (which was widely expected) then it would have been a different game altogether for the film. In that case, the film could well have crossed the Rs 50 crores mark by the end of Sunday. However, since it opened at Rs 11.20 crores on the partial holiday of Ram Navami on Thursday, the expectations were accordingly reset and hence Rs 42-45 crores weekend was considered ideal.

Box Office - Bholaa crosses Rs 40 crores milestone after extended four-day weekend, should hit Rs 50 crores tomorrow

Well, this is where the collections now find themselves in as they stand at Rs 44.28 crores. Considering the dip that was seen on Friday when Rs 7.40 crores had come in, this is a good turnaround which has been seen on Saturday and Sunday, as it shows the shift in momentum. What needs to be seen is that how do the collections turn out to be today and tomorrow, as that would be most important for the stabilization to come in post that.

While the drop would certainly be there today, anything around Rs 4-5 crores coming in today would be reasonable. That would also ensure the Rs 50 crores mark to be hit by tomorrow itself. Ideally, the film would be looking at Rs 60 crores milestone to be crossed by the close of 8 day extended first week.

Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources

More Pages: Bholaa Box Office Collection , Bholaa Movie Review